mobile 2 mobile

i’d rather just sleep this day away but i’m too stingy to buy a cabin on the boat. viking line doesn’t quite make my day so i whine about it here instead, all thanks to my ngage still going strong.

now, i’ve been thinking, about a revolution that yet has to come. the horizontal sharing of information on the internet (as with p2p) could be transferred to another context, any context. like this: first,what today in most cases is just a phone with text messaging capabilities need to become capable of storing several Gb. ipods already do this, and some nokia models as well. but what they lack is a wireless connection range of about 50m and software supporting file sharing.

internet connectivity is as important. for now, gprs and wlan would suffice. maybe wlan could be the wireless technology connecting the devices both to the internet and each other. when it comes to the devices themselves, there is something that comes close, but not all the way: the umpc. the problem with umpc is that a) you can’t replace your phone with it and b) they’re too big to fit in your pocket.

basically nokia, apple/ipod and linux should make babies. nokia knows how to make phones and devices small enough, apple/ipod how to make cool devices for the USER (and not the phone operator) and linux is needed in order to put the user in CONTROL as well.

what is yet to be seen, is people sharing information anywhere, like they do on the internet already. it should be easy as lordi. then i would have something to do at the boat, because being with REAL people is outright unheard of and reading for the entrance exam
requires an attention span of more than 30 sec.

vad har tv för fel!?

varför kan inte tv vara (som) internet!? allt bara finns där. melita möter, på fst, hon möter patricia tudor-sandahl. ÅH! när jag märker det återstår bara 5 minuter av programmet så nu är jag berörd, upprörd och besviken. nu missade jag hela alltihopa. poff!

tv är SÅ överskattat. tv är så fucking retarded.

men från en sak till en annan (när nu tv:n blev på och visar sista delen av kirjava silta). fan vad tragiskt ifall man skulle vara pappa, och aldrig finnas till för sitt barn. vad spelar nånting för roll då! jag skulle gärna REFLEKTERA över det där en stund, men jag BRYR mig inte just nu.

för jag behöver klaga! förra VECKAN stack en laboratorietant mej i armen, men alldeles för djupt så nu är min arm helt sjukt sjuk! riktigt så att jag inte kan SOVA ordentligt.

om ett träd faller i skogen och jag inser att jag borde hålla käft för att ingen bryr sig – då är det bra att ha sällskap av sina röster.

skulle jag skriva rubriken till sist skulle det stå “vad har JAG för fel!?” jag säger INGENTING av det som EGENTLIGEN flödar helt för sig själv.

du bist deutschland!

hail to thee, jean-remy von matt, vd for JVM: you’re becoming a legend. get it explained here, here, or here. or ELSE, let me put it short: the revolution has begun and we’re all part of it (ignore the digital divide for a sec). in an intern email von matt expresses his frustration over the fact that german bloggers had huge influence over a recent image campaign for germany. and i quote:

What on earth gives every computer-owner the right to express his opinion, unasked for?

the significance? oscar swartz thinks von matt’s quote marks a shift in power from vertical information broadcasting to horizontal sharing of information.

so when the day, hypothetically, comes that i have something to say, it will be said in no time at all and accessible to anybody more or less anywhere. in the meanwhile, yeah well. in the meanwhile.