du bist deutschland!

hail to thee, jean-remy von matt, vd for JVM: you’re becoming a legend. get it explained here, here, or here. or ELSE, let me put it short: the revolution has begun and we’re all part of it (ignore the digital divide for a sec). in an intern email von matt expresses his frustration over the fact that german bloggers had huge influence over a recent image campaign for germany. and i quote:

What on earth gives every computer-owner the right to express his opinion, unasked for?

the significance? oscar swartz thinks von matt’s quote marks a shift in power from vertical information broadcasting to horizontal sharing of information.

so when the day, hypothetically, comes that i have something to say, it will be said in no time at all and accessible to anybody more or less anywhere. in the meanwhile, yeah well. in the meanwhile.

One thought on “du bist deutschland!”

  1. note to self: when the VR storehouses were burnt to ashes and blogs were the news source number 1, together with mobile phones, instant messaging and some internet websites like http://www.hs.fi and http://www.hbl.fi. this is exactly what it is about. the news flows horisontally on the internet, rather than vertically as in the traditional media.

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