happy hangover

omgwtflol!!1! vad fork rockade fett på konstens natt!

(ja jag vet, “fett” är mitt försök att hänga med in the lingo)

i'm *still* without a camera, so forgive me for linking from www.fork.fi

winston chill: makes my nipples go *hrrrr*

i’m a sucker for sentimentality: in the end when fork announced that cindy vine, band member for a year, is now performing with them for the last time, i cried. that means tears. half an hour before i thought to myself: who the hell is that?!

and what the hell is an electric guitar doing in fork’s music video “you give love a bad name – i thought the point with fork is that they play a cappella – or are they so fracking skilled that they can imitate the sound? i couldn’t tell.

in any case, i admire people who “can” sing. hence, i adore fork.