coffee post

i love my caffeine, junior boys and 1280×1024 pixels. i need it for a few minutes in order to relax in front of Mr Projective Identification.

Is it true that it’s me?
You can say all the things you want to
But you don’t need to leave if you take all this weight behind me
Let it go
Now it’s you
You forget all the things you want to
You’re not here in the end
So there’s nothing left to say

3 from 1: ms john soda

three elements are somehow related to each other, by time as well as by something else.
i met monica recently. with her, i came to think about ms john soda and their brilliant song hands. throughout my train trip to vasa today, these three songs below have been spinning in my head.

  1. ms john soda – hands
  2. ms john soda – nº one
  3. ms john soda – hiding, fading

the lyrics are unknown to me (because google doesn’t know and my hearing sucks) so it gets even more intresting as i’m not – at least consciously – aware of what they’re actually singing. i’m sure though there’s more to it than the mere melody.

the third element is the course in couple relationships that is about to begin about…now.